So, you have taken the time to really create a firm concept, and now you want to find yourself a publisher. Where do you begin, who do you go to? I would like to share some insights as to how you might find a publisher that matches your work, personality and goals. But before we begin, here is what you should have:

1. Something more than an idea
Do not begin with “I have an idea” and not have anything in hand or written down. I like to see at least 3 chapters, an outline, and of course a logline. Not sure what a log line is? Think of it was the story version of an elevator pitch. If I tell you my latest kids’ story is Powerpuff Girls meets Justice League, this immediately paints a picture of what you are pursuing. If you can have an entire draft ready, then you have already separated yourself from 50% of your competition.

2. A openness to change and criticism
I think that a lot can be gained by sticking to your guns, but be ready to understand that your story may not be perfect, suitable for the market your publisher does best in, or it may be outright offensive. Be prepared to accept criticism, and that if you really want someone to distribute your work, you may have to bend.

3. Have at least on edit done
Make sure your work has been proof read by at least one outsider. We can offer you a professional review, and you can always try searching online or using classifieds. Remember, presentation is important, and first impressions are powerful.

4. You can judge a book by it’s cover (and publishers, and customers always do!)
A good cover is a MUST. If you are presenting something with a cover, it must be good. Absolutely, do not print anything without a cover that is simply awesome. I would rather receive something with no cover than a poor one. And if you are pitching a graphic novel or comic book, your cover must be phenomenal, and full color.

5. Reach out to a publisher that has something similar to your project
Have an awesome sci-fi war book? You probably don’t want to approach someone that does romance. Find someone who has works similar to yours (preferably ones that you enjoy) and get in touch with them. They will be more likely to understand where you are and where you want to go.

These five simple things will help you get closer to having your book or graphic novel published. Not sure where you sit or where to start? Get in touch for a free review, and remember, if you’ve found your passion then you are on the right path!