Film & Animation

Lucha Comics has a rich and diverse set of genres, characters, and themes that are suitable for both cartoon, animation, and film projects. Our current catalogue spans genres, age groups, and demographics, with source material available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, and Russian. Our creative teams builds projects from the ground up that are suitable for film and animation production and licensing.

Azteq vs. Prowler: a modern revival of the Lucha Libre / Horror genre

Our current genres for projects in production, and available for distribution are:

  • Superhero (Children’s)
  • Superhero
  • Post Apocalytic
  • Historical
  • Historical Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Classic Horror
  • Children’s
  • Drama
  • Slice of life
  • Comedy
  • Fantasy
  • Sports
  • Wrestling & Lucha Libre
  • Military

Comic Book based film and television shows are showing no signs of slowing down, and represent opportunities for rapid and sustainable growth. Our team of experienced writers, illustrators, and creators are able to deliver film ready storyboards, concept art and scripts to ensure that you have a Comic Book project suitable to your core audience and brand.

We truly have something for everyone; we invite you to review our catalogue here, and to contact us with enquiries.